Jeremy Bentham is the founder of the British utilitarianism in the second half of 18~ ( th) century. 边沁是18世纪后半叶英国功利主义学派的奠基人。
The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his utilitarian philosophy. 他那个时代的经济学家们承袭了杰里米?沁及其实用主义哲学的衣钵。
The utilitarianism school of law created by Jeremy Bentham has become one of the most important schools in jurisprudential history for its exploring the nature of law from a ordinary's perspective. 边沁所开创的功利主义法学派,从普通人的角度追问法律的本质,因之成为法学史上的重要流派之一。
Jeremy Bentham's utilitarianism political philosophy is based on his critique of traditional thoughts of contract. 杰里米·边沁的功利主义政治哲学是建立在对传统契约论思想批判的基础之上的。
Studies on the Legal Thought of Jeremy Bentham 边沁法律思想之研究
This influence is mainly reflected by John Stuart Mill, Jevons, Irving Fisher who inherited and developed the economic philosophy of Jeremy Bentham. Their economic philosophy have both connections and differences. 这种影响主要体现在约翰·穆勒、杰文斯、欧文·费雪继承和发展了边沁的经济哲学思想,他们的经济哲学思想既有联系又有区别。
John Locke in the stage of natural rights, David Hume and Adam Smith in the Scottish Enlightenment, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill as Utilitarian are the respective representatives of the three development stages. The five thinkers 'works are classical versions of these fields. 其中自然权利阶段的洛克、苏格兰启蒙运动中的休谟和斯密、以及功利主义的边沁和密尔分别是这三个发展阶段的代表人物,这五位思想家的相关著作成为该领域的经典文本。
Laissez-faire of Adam Smith and utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham swept over whole Britain and were almost accepted by everyone in UK. 而当时以亚当·斯密为代表的自由放任主义和边沁为代表的功利主义风靡整个贵族统治阶层和普通大众之中。
Based on this, this article attempts to launch the concrete research from Mocius and Jeremy Bentham utilitarianism thought in order to instruct the modern market economy development. 基于此,本文尝试从墨子和边沁的功利主义思想展开具体的比较研究,以指导现代市场经济发展。
Jeremy Bentham 、 James Mill and John Stuart Mill were the famous utilitarian ethicists in the 19th century in England. 杰里米·边沁、詹姆士·穆勒和约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒是19世纪英国著名的功利主义伦理学家。